The sociological study of masculinity was forged from mostly feminist-oriented men and women. When thinking about men and damage, there is often a focus on the damaging behaviors of men. This chapter discusses the damaging roles that men have been socialized into: including expectations that men are to sacrifice their bodies, avoid showing weakness or fear, refrain from crying, be heroic, and be prepared to commit violence. It highlights the role that both men and women play in the social reproduction. The chapter explores various forms of domestic violence, including sexual, economic and emotional, it is physical violence. Research shows that men who are raped experience similar psychological effects of being raped as women, but they are less likely to seek counselling. Team-sport athletes are overrepresented as perpetrators in crimes of sexual assault compared to nonathletes. Men, regardless of age, engage in more physical and verbal aggression, whereas women engage in more indirect aggression through rumor-spreading and gossip.