The discussion as to who and what the Anti-Christ is has brought forth some peculiar teachings from various sources which it is not our purpose to discuss at any length. The main point that we want to prove in this chapter is that the Anti-Christ is a man, not a system. Some teachers upon the subject of Anti-Christ hold that Mahommadism, Catholicism, or other religious movements are Anti-Christ. Some of these points may be well taken, but no religious movement which honors the blood of Christ for Salvation can be termed Anti-Christian; yet it can be truthfully said that all churches have more or less imbibed many Anti-Christian doctrines. Others hold that modern lodges, unions, higher educations, are Anti-Christian. While we are not personally a member of any lodge, or union, neither have we aught against them, for if the church had done its duty in feeding the hungry and clothing the naked, these institutions would not have existed, sapping the life of the church. Lodges exist and thrive because there is a demand for them, and will be until the church learns to practice pure and undefiled religion, visiting the widow and the orphan in their affliction. If men fail to find in modern churches, avenues for the expression of philanthropy, humanitarianism, and true brotherhood, innate in every human being, is it any wonder that they should seek, by a thousand different routes, ways to express the above principles which are the common attributes of the Creator indelibly stamped upon the creature? As there were many prophets and priests who preceded the Christ, there are many Anti-Christian teachers paving the way for the Anti-Christ.