The doctrine of “Conditional Immortality” is not a new theory, but if adopted, would revolutionize all so-called Orthodox creeds and doctrines. Unless you accept this doctrine as the basic foundation on which to build the superstructure of all other doctrines, the whole Bible becomes a maze of contradictions and lies. Orthodoxy teaches that all men have Eternal Life, either in Heaven or Hell, but we teach that man can only obtain Eternal Life and Immortality through the “new birth,” and the in-wrought life of Christ. Orthodoxy teaches that every babe obtains an immortal soul at physical birth; we teach that infants have a mortal soul and obtain the first germ of Eternal Life and being in the in-wrought work of conception, at conversion, then by faithful continuance in good works, seek for glory, honor, immortality, Eternal Life. That Immortality is now possessed only by the Lord Jesus Christ, as Paul says, “He only hath Immortality dwelling in the Light.” There is no such thing as an Immortal soul; only that can be Immortal which has been mortal, the body. The inward man receives eternal life when he is born again, the outward man must wait for Immortality until, in a moment, when the trumpet sounds, the dead will be raised, and the living changed. This will not take place until Redemption. We obtain Immortality, not through the physical or spiritual birth, “But the whole creation groaneth in pain,” while now waiting for the adoption, to-wit, the Redemption of our bodies. (Romans 8:23.)