The business leader is at the top of the hierarchy—where the concept of hierarchy itself originated in relation to divinity, in the ordering and ranking of angels in their upward-looking relationship to God. Protestantism, particularly the tradition of Calvinism, redrew the relationship between God, the Church and the population, eliminating the securing of salvation through obedience to Church and performing of sacraments. John Locke’s Second Treatise on Government squared God’s provision of the world in common with a sacrosanct moral right for an individual to appropriate parts of that world as private property once ‘he hath mixed his labour with, and joined to it something that is his own’. References in the Bible to Jesus and/or the Messiah as servant, to his disciples as servants, and to the faithful and others as servants of God abound. All humans, no matter how rich or powerful in their lifetime and no matter how they may wish to be gods, died.