The purpose of this book, Draw on Your Emotions, and the Emotion Cards is to help people reflect on their lives and the key emotional and relational experiences that have been central to how they see themselves, others and the world today. The exercises in the book and the cards are designed to enable people to think, feel and act in more creative, fulfilling and potent ways. They are based on a belief that a healthier society is one where the effective communication and handling of emotional experience, within a safe and supportive arena, is not merely the property of a few psychologically minded people, or those lucky enough to be able to afford therapy or counselling. It should be possible for many more people to benefit from thinking psychologically, to stand back and review their lives and to be able to manage their feelings well, on an everyday basis. This book and the accompanying cards, therefore, aim to provide some of the tools, content and structure for such an arena, in which people can convey and address the powerful and profound feelings intrinsic to human existence.