The "October" Revolution gave power to the Bolshevik section of the Russian Social-Democratic party. The supreme object of the Bolsheviks has been to retain power so as to make effective a communist dictatorship in Russia and to make themselves the spear-head of the World Revolution. The direction of the Party is vested in the Central Committee, about seventy in number, which is elected by the Party Congress; in the case of the Soviets, power actually devolves on a small inner group. The history of the Communist Party in Russia is but another example of what may be achieved by people who hold tenaciously to a central idea, and are ready to adopt any means for its realization. The name was later changed to Russian Communist Party in order to dissociate it from the Social-Democratic parties, which were said to have betrayed Socialism by supporting their national Governments during the war and by not responding to the call to world revolution.