Single-Minute Exchange of Dies (SMED) is a system for reducing the time to complete any type of changeover. The principle of SMED is to convert changeover steps from internal to external, and to simplify and streamline the remaining steps. In Lean changeovers, the authors make a distinction between clock time and labor time. Clock time is the internal time it takes for the changeover while labor time is the total amount of labor involved in the changeover. There are six generally accepted types of setup improvement: SMED, one-touch exchange of dies (OTED), no-touch exchange of dies (NTED), zero setup, one-shot exchange of dies (OSED), eliminating the changeover completely. The external checklist lists the steps the authors have identified as external in the analysis, which need to be carried out prior to the machine stopping or completing the last piece of the previous order or in this case prior to the people leaving the table.