The tityras are in some ways a mishmash of plumages, structural characters, and ecological guilds once included within the morphologically similar Tyrannidae, and sharing similarities with some Cotingidae, Tityridae. Given the recent split from other Tyranni, a pattern of molt has not yet been described in this phylogenetic grouping. Based on the observations it appears that species can either have a Complex Basic Strategy or a Complex Alternate Strategy. The preformative molt can be variable from partial to complete. In some species, the juvenile plumage is highly similar to subsequent adult plumages, but in others the juvenile plumage is unique and even elaborate relative to subsequent adult plumages. Sexual dichromatism exists in some species but not in others. Incubation appears to be performed only by females, thus the presence of a brood patch in sexually monochromatic species ought to be useful for sexing. Skulls typically ossify, but again, a full examination across all genera and species has not been summarized.