One of the most famous–or notorious–examples of hostilities between religion and science is the battle between 'intelligent design' and 'the new atheism.' Intelligent design, or 'ID,' started with the claim that what is today called science is actually built on a prejudice against religion. The new atheists' vitriol about religion produced an equally vitriolic response from theists, giving rise to a sort of nuclear arms race. John Haught's four categories offer a slightly different angle. Science and religion may conflict, contrast with one another, make real contact, or confirm one another. Naturalism in the hands of the new atheists’ means claiming to know that religion is worthless, that nothing at all about it is worth preserving. But much more subtle, and intriguing, versions of naturalism have been developed since that time, with names like 'deep naturalism,' 'broad naturalism,' and 'ecstatic naturalism.'.