The next day was spent in looking up other friends, and visits in the colonies, especially after such a long absence as mine, are not an affair of twenty minutes or even an hour. On Friday afternoon, an hour before sunset, a trumpet sounded. This was due to a decision of my father’s in the early days of work in the fields, to warn those at a distance of the approach of the Sabbath, to give them time to get home with their implements and their cattle, and to dispose of them respectively in sheds and stalls before the Sabbath came in. I went out on to the balcony to watch for the farm people coming home from work. Ten minutes later the wide, quiet road seemed a busy street. There were the first wagons with their different loads, children driving in the cows to be milked, others carrying pots and saucepans to a neighbour’s oven or to the public bake-house, smaller ones following 140them with the Sabbath pudding, which would be less easily spilt than a soup or stew,