The recognition accorded to Russia by the Socialist ministry in 1924 led to similar action on the part of Italy, Greece, Austria-Hungary and the three Scandinavian kingdoms as well as several non-European States. The position of Russia had, meantime, been strengthened by treaties concluded with Japan, Turkey and Germany. Russia had been gravely perturbed by the sheaf of treaties concluded between Great Britain, France, and Germany, Italy and Belgium at Locarno. Mr. Chamberlain was actually reporting to the House of Commons the breakdown of negotiations and the consequent imminence of war with Germany, when a 'chit' was handed to him announcing that Hitler was ready to meet him again. On March 30, England and France had pledged themselves to defend Poland and in April Great Britain proposed that the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics should also guarantee the integrity of Poland and Rumania, though with neither country had Russia's relations been cordial.