Chapter CXLIII. consists of the Vignette to Chapter CXLII. (see Lepsius, op. cit., Pl. 59) which is found in the Saïte Recension only. This Vignette is divided into five sections :— (1) A woman standing upright with pendent arms. (2) The hawk of Horus upon a standard placed in a boat. (3) A man, with his left hand raised as if in invocation, standing in a boat; before him are two disks, one of the sun, and the other of the moon. (4) The Sektet boat wherein are the two divine hawks of Rā and Osiris upon standards. (5) A man (the deceased ?) standing upright with both bands raised in adoration. https://s3-euw1-ap-pe-df-pch-content-public-p.s3.eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/9781315122663/3f1a2000-09bb-49d0-9755-d7a8360996b0/content/pg439_1.tif"/>