In Mangaia, of the Hervey Islands, the cloth-beating mallet was used for drums, and mimic cloth-boards were beaten as drums at certain feasts. In old days the Chippewa made their war-drums by stretching a hide over stakes driven in the ground, and binding it in place by means of strong hoops. Small hand-drums are commonly used by various peoples. Methods directly or indirectly suggestive of drumming are either obvious or recondite to civilized experience. The Chinese drummer usually employs one pair of cymbals. The Abyssinians have tambourines, cymbals, and various drums. The numerous totem-clans, had each special drums; the leading members defrayed the expense. In the New Hebrides big wooden billets are used for beating the largest incision drums. High notes, in concerted music, are supplied by small horizontal incision-drums. Drums were carried on journeys and beaten to encourage the walkers.