The old priests in Egypt, finding that their Lunar time was not correct, began to reckon time by the sun, and simultaneously changed their mythology from Lunar to Solar, just as years before they had changed it from Stellar to Lunar, but there was much overlapping. Horus-Behutet, God of "the Hut" or winged disk, the Chief of the Blacksmiths in totemic Sociology, was the earliest form of Aten. This is the god who crossed from the western horizon to the eastern horizon upon the Vulture's Wings, which were an emblem of the motherhood, represented symbolically by Neith. The Solar people can also be distinguished from the Stellar by their myths and legends, which generally show two points of departure for the migrations of the human race. One is from the summit of the celestial mount, the other from the hollow underworld beneath the mount or inside the earth.