At the beginning of July, the family gathering at Montebello broke up. Napoleon removed his headquarters to Passeriano, whither the negotiations with Austria were now transferred, and was followed by Louis and Joséphine; Pauline and her husband went to Milan, where Leclerc’s brigade was stationed; Jérôme was sent back to the College of Juilly; Madame Bonaparte, who was impatient to revisit her native land, returned to Marseilles, from whence she sailed to Corsica, accompanied by Élisa and Baciocchi, who, thanks to the good offices of his all-powerful brother, had been promoted to the rank of general of brigade, and—since Napoleon had no intention of allowing him to advertise his incapacity in Italy—appointed 182Commandant of the citadel of Ajaccio; while Joseph, who had just been nominated French Ambassador at Rome, set out for the Eternal City, taking with him his wife and his youngest sister Caroline.