By the beginning of the 19th century, the general advance in society and in particular the efforts of the medical profession, had resulted in some approach to modern health conditions as contrasted with medieval ones. Malaria can be caused by three different parasites. The Plasmodium vivax which produces tertian fevers, a mild form of malaria which seldom causes death. The Plasmodium malariae which produces quartan fevers, this form seldom causes death directly but it sometimes leaves morbid symptoms which ultimately do so. The third parasite Lavarania malariae produces a subtertian fever, it sporulates as a rule in the spleen but it may sporulate in other organs, for instance the brain, intestines, heart or pancreas, it then produces the severe form of malaria known as Malignant Malaria. The mild form of malaria was common in certain marshy districts in this country until the middle of the 19th century and sporadic cases still occur from time to time.