In a certain sense one may regard every basis as a condition and all stratification as a conditioning. In reality wider sense one may find many kinds of conditioning in the table of values. The absence of a fixed relation to reality allows a wider scope to co-existence: the valuational mode of being is merely an ought-to-be, it is necessity without the fulfilling conditions of possibility. Dialectical unification and the binding of the strata together stand, therefore, at right angles to each other, and only together constitute the multi-dimensional unity of the system, which for the realm of the categories is characteristic. Ontologically the recurrence and the transformation extend not only to the elements but also to the implication; that is, the dialectical binding of principles itself reappears in a changed form in the higher strata. An interlacing of disvalues must run parallel to the interlacing of values—or possibly not parallel, but according to a regularity of its own.