Anti-Semitism in the core Islamic world, which exports its teachings to the new Muslim Diasporas in the West, consists of three layers whose combination determines the conduct of Muslims at any given time in any given place. The first is the immense anti-Jewish literature, which is enshrined in Qur'anic verses, in the hadith stories, in accounts of the sirah and in treatises of jurisprudence, which have the force of law. The second is the massive Christian anti-Semitic literature, which was adopted by Muslims in later centuries as a result of the interaction between the two civilizations. The third is the wealth of reports and commentaries, which accompany, day after day, the fortunes of the Arab-Israeli dispute, and tends to intensify or quiet down in accordance with the swing of the war-and-peace pendulum which frequently reverses it both ways. The areas where the new operationalization of anti-Semitism works are varied and widespread.