Muslim leaders have often succumbed to the temptation of explaining their own misfortunes or world events by involving Jews, the Mossad, or world Zionism in them. The result is that even when Muslims initiate an act of violence, in response to their perception of events, they accuse their enemies of it and dub it, or what led to it, as an act of aggression of which they are the victims and which calls for their reprisal. This reversal characterizes the behavior of Muslim terrorists who sought refuge in the West, which they detest and wish to undermine, or are for the most part on the run from their home regimes that they tried unsuccessfully to topple. The polarity between Jews and Muslims in Britain, the former pushing towards preservation of the modern state and its institutions, which alone guarantee the rights and protection of minorities, the latter towards its demise via Islamization, which has necessitated a dialogue between them.