In our complicated and global era where everything is connected to everything else, it is easy to realize how the seemingly "marginal" issue of Muslim anti-Semitism in Europe can unexpectedly affect many aspects of our lives. Not only are Muslims worldwide concerned about correcting the historical "injustice" that was done when Islam was ousted from Spain and Sicily, which they had controlled for centuries, but they have been preparing to recuperate their losses by increasing their numbers via added immigration. Another reason for optimism, in spite of the European Commissioner for Justice, Franco Frattini's revelation that Muslims are responsible for one half of the documented anti-Semitic incidents in the European Union (EU), is the backlash Muslims in Europe are beginning to receive from their own Westernized coreligionists who have decided to relinquish the old stereotypes and enmesh into Western culture. The Muslims are the ones who began the clash of civilizations.