Muslims alone hold the yardstick to measure who humiliates whom, who provokes whom, and who committed injustice, aggression or invasion against whom. Muslim masses in general play and replay the horrors to remind their constituencies of the "heroism" of the Muslim killers or incite the crowds to demonstrate their jubilation at the sight of their enemy's suffering. Brutalization of life under puritanical Islam, which in turn renders speech abusively vulgar and generates rhetorical excess, is expressed inter alia by the application of harsh, inhuman, physical punishment under Ansar al-Shari'a Law. Public beheadings are commonplace in Saudi Arabia, as are hangings, even of minors, in Iran. Moreover, people commonly seen on the streets with missing limbs, not necessarily as a result of war wounds, but of punitive amputations, debases human life and tends to brutalize it. A sober evaluation of the state of the Muslim world today was provided by Martin Bright, who attended a gathering of Muslims in London.