January i (Sunday) Alone, which means my house in disorder, for I don't keep things tidy when Dolly is away. Before noon I walked out for the papers. The Press has not yet used the last two puzzles which I made for them. The drawings are now made by Weed who signs them today. The drawing is good enough but the puzzle's pronunciation is right bad in cases. Mr. Yeats called while I was out but dropped in on Kent below. He came up after I had returned, bringing me the book "Green Helmet," Willie Yeats' last book of verse

I went to dine at Petitpas'. There was an all night New Year party there last night. Mr. Yeats, King and Brooks were there. King has recently talked with Ellen Terry King and Brooks and I away leaving Mr. Yeats very cross at our going "so-soon." As Brooks says, "Mr. Yeats can't see why anyone should wish to go from Petitpas' after dinner." King and Brooks stopped at my place to get a book which K. had left. W e went into Kent's on his insisting that we join his New Year party. Henri was there, Mrs. H., the Roberts and Mr. and Mrs. Coburn (the Coburn Players), the Dressers, the Bellows, the two Golz's. On their request I took the Coburns upstairs and in my studio showed them the picture I made this summer of their out­ door performance on the campus of Columbia University. They were evidently very much pleased with it. He is a nice big fellow and she seems very charming. After the party broke up at Kent's, Henris came up and sat an hour with me.