In his 2004 presidential campaign, Kucinich adopted key elements of the radical Islamic message and worked closely with North America's most aggressive Islamist group, the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR). Kucinich identified himself closely with American Muslims, calling them the bellwethers of the US government's "intolerance, surveil-lance, and oppression". A reporter described how, in one remarkable meeting with Muslims, Kucinich quoted the Koran with "the passion of an itinerant preacher" and roused the audience to get on its feet and chant "God is great". Kucinich reportedly was the only member of Congress publicly to condemn the Obama administration's 2010 authorization to assassinate Anwar al-Awlaki, the US citizen and terrorist sponsor in Yemen accused of ties to several attacks in the United States. More broadly, one sees a growing connection between the Left and radical Islam, as plumbed by David Horowitz in Unholy Alliance.