The completely encircled Pier Position, facing Port Ibrahim and Suez town, is the last but one stronghold left on the Bar Lev Line. It has fought since Yom Kippur, under the command of 21-year-old Lieutenant Shlomo Ardinest, assisted by a 27-year-old doctor, Lieutenant Nahum Verbin. There are 37 men in the bunkers, and many of them are wounded. Five of the garrison are dead. Lieutenant Shlomo’s deep religious faith helps him stand up to the heavy pressure. Yesterday evening, HQ decided to make a last effort to rescue the garrison. The mission is now entrusted to a naval commando unit, commanded by a young lieutenant. The plan is to come in by boat, and evacuate the men by the same route. This is their last chance. A few moments after being assigned the mission, and studying maps, the commandos are on their way. The 189sea is tranquil, and the moon full; dangerous light for the commandos. After hours of slow progress, the men in the boats can see the pier in front of them – a dark block. Suddenly, the night silence is broken by radar-directed 130 millimeter guns. Explosions all around and high columns of water. Shrapnel strikes the boats, and they ship water. The commandos radio HQ to report that the Egyptians have discovered the boats; they are ordered to give up the mission and return to base.