O l d age is a universal phenomenon. W i t h vary ing degrees of probabi l i ty , individuals survive ch i ldhood, grow to matur i ty , and become o ld , i n a l l societies. But are the experiences and problems of o ld age the same i n different countries? Th i s book describes and analyzes the condi t ion of persons aged 65 and over i n three industr ia l societies: Denmark , Br i t a in , and the U n i t e d States. I t therefore provides an early example of the results i n the social sciences of systematic comparative research. It considers the capaci ty of older persons for self-care, their role i n the family network, and their ab i l i ty and opportuni ty to provide for themselves i n o ld age. T h e book begins w i t h an account of the physical capacities of older people and their attitudes toward their health, and goes on to explore the dependence of the elderly on the medica l and welfare services, their family relat ionships, their work experience, their attitudes toward work and retirement, and their f inancial resources.