This chapter discusses the very restrained and limited use of nuclear weapons. Such situations can be divided into two classes: Rungs 21-25, which lie between the "no nuclear use" and "central sanctuary" thresholds; and Rungs 26-31, the kinds of "small" and discriminating attacks that can occur between the "central sanctuary" and "central war" thresholds. In addition, the declaration would have the ten characteristics and results enumerated in the discussion of Rung 32. The second threshold is the distinction between large attacks directed at military forces and large attacks directed at civilians. As opposed to the exemplary purposes of Rung 21, NATO planned to use nuclear weapons for traditional military purposes—for defense, denial, destruction of opponent's capability, and so on— and the scale of the action and the targeting was to be dictated by these military considerations. The destruction of moderate amounts of property does not jeopardize the survival of the community.