Once upon a time, in a National Park far, far away, but not very long ago, there lived an ordinary wolf. He was no bigger than most wolves; nor was he smarter than his peers. In fact, he did not even think of himself as a wolf. Just as did most of his comrades, he merely went about his daily rounds with scarcely a thought or care. As an average wolf, Timber belonged to a run of the mill pack. In their native territory of “Jellystone”, he and his pack-mates wandered about unfettered, each day engrossed in wolf-type activities. Unlike the other wolves, Timber did not look happy. A large male, with an aristocratic bearing, “Hero” snarled whenever Timber came within range. Within short order, normal functioning would be restored and Timber would become an ordinary wolf in every respect. Most animal observers comprehend the relationship between Timber and Hero as one of dominance and submission.