If Schumpeter earlier had doubts about what career to follow, his move from Vienna to Bonn resolved the issue forever. He rediscovered how much he enjoyed teaching and how good he had become at it. He rediscovered that he took pleasure again in research and writing. These, in addition to his new state of matrimony, made him a happy man. For Schumpeter, soon to be forty-three years old, Bonn offered a rebirth, a fresh beginning. New position, new wife, new country, new home, and new friends and colleagues all made him a new man, facing a new life of promise. Nothing in the winter of 1925 could dim the joy of the Schumpeters of that first year in Bonn. Quickly, he sank roots and began once again the research program he had suspended at the end of the war. Everything was looking up. He was even soon to become a father.