The liberty, saith Mr. Hobbes, whereof there is so frequent and honourable mention in the histories and philosophy of the ancient Greeks and Romans, and in the writings and discourse of those that from them have received all their learning in the politics, is not the liberty of particular men, but the liberty of the commonwealth. The kingdom of God signifies, saith Master Hobbes, page 216, a kingdom constituted by the votes of the people of Israel in a peculiar manner, wherein they choose God for their King, by covenant made with him, upon God's promising them Canaan. The covenant mentioned at Mount Sinai was but a conditional contract, and God but a conditional King, and though the people promised to obey God's word, yet it was more than they were able to perform, for they often disobeyed God's voice, which being a breach of the condition the covenant was void, and God not their King by contract.