Bill Clinton and his supporters are not really living by classic “untruths,” for instance when they excuse him, forgive him, and even sometimes glorify him for probably lying, perjuring and obstructing justice. Clinton’s supporters, the liberal scholar George Lakoff says, see a society led ideally by a “nurturing parent.” But to Clinton’s detractors, his personal depredations are surely never made up for by his hated liberal programs. The extent to which the Clinton Democrats really do represent a different political way in America is also shown in their adoption of the idea of a “plebiscitary democracy,” under which political action is responsible to polls and to the emotions of the moment among the voters. The Arabs had, right in their hands, a case that could have served their case to a stunning degree. Instead of enraging the Arab population to fight Israel harder, the false rape charges caused all the local villagers to flee, thus sealing the Israeli victory.