The fine flower of economic determinist history, however, is better exemplified in the works of Charles A. Beard, where an acknowledgment of the potency and uniqueness of sectionalism in American history is simply a matter of occasional embroidery upon the great theme of a steadily developing Leviathanism. And F. J. Turner, a Westerner, who, in acquiring the Easterner's technique of historical research, had not acquired with it the Easterner's concept of American history, found himself in a position to right the balance. The notion of sectionalism as an entirely respectable and serious factor in American history was, however, unorthodox in the extreme sense. The Spanish-American War and the World War may be viewed in retrospect as wars in which the Northeast had a special interest. In the Spanish-American War it was a question, at first, whether the McKinley administration would receive hearty Southern support; and American participation in the World War was long opposed in the Middle West.