Rumors are everywhere, regardless of our social spheres. Rumors are also the oldest form of mass media. The arrival on the scene of mass media, instead of suppressing talk, has merely made it more specialized: each form of communication now has its own territory. Where does the phenomenon known as "rumors" begin and where does it leave off? The first systematic work on rumors was done in America. The large number of rumors circulating during the Second World War, and their deleterious effects on the morale of the troops and population at large, led several research teams to look into the subject. In reality, rumors are bothersome because they may turn out to be true. During wartime, the enemy and its mythical ear may discover a hidden truth through rumors—clear proof that they are not always unfounded. How can rumors be situated in relation to closely related phenomena: gossip, slander, legends, and word of mouth are discussed in this chapter.