Leslie S. Hearnshaw, with certain scruples as to standards of evidence and judgment that nag him like a conscience, is a serious scientific critic. Having gained a reputation as a historian of psychology, Hearnshaw was asked after Burt's death to deliver the address at his memorial service in October 1971. This having impressed Dr. Marion Burt very favorably, led her to invite Hearnshaw to write Burt's "official biography." The silence of onlooking psychologists has indeed been a strange feature of the campaign against Burt throughout its course, no matter how evident and blatant the distortions from the detractors have become. Perhaps the most serious of Hearnshaw's charges, however, was his agreement with the Kamin-Gillie-Clarkes claim that Burt had invented or "fabricated" the data for the later papers on twins. Even to Marion Burt, and even then, Hearnshaw had clearly seemed to be "taking the opponents' side and turning against Cyril.".