As the regulator of hormonal activity, the brain is also the director of sexual activity. Sex hormones interact with the brain; they possess special receptors on the nerve cell membranes. Fernando Nottebohm has demonstrated the existence in the male of a mass of cells that are infinitely more developed than in the female. Moreover, this mass is located in the noblest part of the brain, the frontal lobes. Woman, having a less asymmetrical brain than man, may have, as a highly regarded specialist, Sandra Witelson of McMasters University in Hamilton, Ontario says, “a bi-hemispherical representation of emotion”. Numerous studies have compared the intelligence of women and men. If recessive genes are able to help determine a high level of intelligence, they will have twice as many chances to do so in males as in females, since they will always express themselves, not being faced with possible domination by a less favorable gene.