T h e purpose of this presentation is to provide an idea of how I, representing the chain store phase of the industry, might look at shopping center development, both presently and in the future.

People ask, “Who is Miller-Wohl, or what is a Miller-Wohl?” Miller-Wohl is actually a chain of 240 stores. We are in the junior ap-

parel specialty store business and we are located across the entire country from Seattle to New England and from the Texas border to Florida. We are representative of a rather large group of specialty store retailers who occupy the interior of the major shopping malls between the anchor stores. Among the stores in our category are Casual Corner, which has annual receipts in the neighborhood of $350 million; The Gap, which has over $300 million; Limited Stores, which secures in excess of $250 million; Petrie Stores, possibly the most profitable retailer in America, doing over $450 million and netting over 10 percent; Lerner Shops, doing over $600 million; Brooks Fashion Stores, doing over $150 million; and finally our company, Miller-Wohl, which will do just under $200 million this year.