The elements of thought and meaning which lie at the base of any logically integrated system of culture may be considered two aspects: the internal and the external. The first belongs to the realm of inner experience, either in its unorganized form of unintegrated images, ideas, volitions, feelings, and emotions; or in its organized form of systems of thought woven out of these elements of the inner experience. The second is composed of inorganic and organic phenomena: objects, events, and processes, which incarnate the internal experience. Many systems of logically integrated culture are conceivable, each with a different set of major premises but consistent within itself. Of these systems one may be termed Ideational culture, the other Sensate. Examination of the characteristics of the Ideational and Sensate culture types is a different problem from that of how the culture mentalities and their characteristics are distributed in various actual culture complexes and in the actual behavior of individuals and groups.