The status of Western culture and society gives a tragic spectrum of the beginning of the disintegration of their sensate supersystem. The Sensate supersystem of our culture will become increasingly a shapeless "cultural dumping place," pervaded by syncretism of undigested cultural elements, devoid of any unity and individuality. The major premise of sensate culture and the sensate supersystem will be progressively replaced by the Integralistic or Ideational premise and super system. Beyond it there loom the magnificent peaks of the new Ideational or Idealistic culture as great in its own way as sensate culture at the climax of its creative genius. Sensate values will become more relative and atomistic until they are ground into dust devoid of any universal recognition and binding power. The Sensate supersystem of culture will become increasingly a shapeless "cultural dumping place," pervaded by syncretism of undigested cultural elements, devoid of any unity and individuality.