This chapter utilizes the term "reactions" to refer to the space- and time-proximate ways in which outsiders take action with regard to an Social Movement Organization (SMO). It aims to review varied responses to SMOs, from whom particular responses are likely to come, and for what reasons. Outsider responses to an SMO could be conceived as effects or consequences of the SMO. Reactions are tricky and require specification, because of the need to distinguish between reactions and reactors and to deal with them conjointly and systematically in analysis. Among religious or egocentric (personal transformation) SMOs, ruling elites may be conceived in vague or abstract ways such as the "principalities of this world" or "oppressive society." In such conceptions, "ruling elites" are encompassing, omnipresent, and diffuse. The chapter switches from looking over the shoulders of the SMO to looking over the shoulders of various reactors.