The Top 100 Global Brands increased in value by 14 percent year on year in 2015 to a value of $3.3 trillion, according to Millward Brown. Brand power was crucial in the past ten years, which were divided into two halves: those before the global financial crisis and the others afterward. The Top Ten Most Trusted Brands for five or more consecutive years, in 2015, were Toyota Cars, Iams Pet Food, Quaker Snack Bars, Kellogg's Cereal, Sun Life Financial Insurance, Jamieson Vitamin, Sensodyne Toothpaste, Coppertone Sunscreen, Toyota Hybrid Cars, and Yoplait Yogurt. Plastic customer loyalty cards of all types are intended to build up purchasing points, like air miles, that habituate customers to continue using the same supplier, even the same bank, in good times and bad, like wearing an old-fashioned wedding band. Customer loyalty cards has been described as "a tiresome burden" for customers.