In future every combatant unit of Irgun will be accompanied by a war court of the Jewish Underground Movement. Every enemy subject who is taken prisoner will immediately be brought before the court, irrespective of whether he is a member of the Army or Civilian Administration. There was to be a Jewish and an Arab province, no final decision on the form of the ultimate state, and permission for the hundred-thousand Jews to enter Palestine. At the end of July 1946, the House of Commons listened to an account of the Anglo-American committee's investigation. In the autumn of 1946, Palestinian violence bled over into Europe and Britain. There was an arrangement for two-hundred illegal recruits to sail for Palestine from southern Italy in June 1946, but the plan aborted when the several boats were sabotaged. The British tried to play the game by the rules; and in Palestine in 1947, this meant they were gradually losing the game.