The idea of principles of administration arose from and is colored by the idea of a "cosmic constitutionalism" that has been a prominent aspect of American thought. This idea of a "cosmic constitutionalism" is characterized by a conflation, a fusion and confusion, of the ideas of moral and physical necessity. Only pseudo-scientists have attempted to derive moral principles from the findings of science—imperatives about the mission of a race, for example, from the data of anthropology. Empiricism and experimentalism, both have a prominent place in the methods of physical science. Administrative study, as any "social science", is concerned primarily with human beings, a type of being characterized by thinking and valuing. The significance of "purpose" or "task" or "aim" in theory of organization is the same as "value" or "valuations" in economic theory. Scientific theories do not necessarily emerge from, or rely upon, a large accumulation of data or repetition of instances.