T H E pecuniary system of social organisation that so results has grave and lasting consequences for the welfare of society. I t brings class divergence of material i n ­ terests, class prerogative and differential hardship, and an accentuated class disparity i n the consumption of goods, involving a very extensive resort to the conspic­ uous waste of goods and services as an evidence of wealth. These consequences of the pecuniary economy may be interesting enough i n themselves, even to the theore­ tician, bu t they need not be pursued here except i n so far as they have an appreciable bearing on the com­ munity 's workmanlike efficiency and the further develop­ ment of technology. 1 B u t the more direct and immediate technological consequences of this move from a predatory to a peaceable or quasi-peaceable economic system are also sufficiently grave-partly favourable to workman­ ship and par t ly otherwise-and these i t is necessary for the purposes of this inqui ry to follow up i n some detail .