The income of England in the year 1801 was, according to a number of concurrent evidences, about 180 million pounds, or £20 per head of a population of 9 million. The income of the United Kingdom about the year 1907 was, as we have seen already, about 2100 million, or £47 per head of population of 45 million. Had the industrial system undergone no other changes than those resulting from a mere increase of the population, the number of such persons employed in the United Kingdom rather more than a century later would have been 300,000, and their aggregate earnings but just over 20 million pounds. The figures given as to industries at the beginning of the nineteenth century are based oil the income-tax assessments for the year 1812, published in the year 1815. The income-tax tables for the year 1801 classify incomes according to their total amounts only, without indicating their source.