Public Debt 989.55 787.85 8 Interest from Local Government Securities 327.06 650.07 9 Total interest from Government Securi­

ties (7 + 8) $1,316.5 $1,437.8 10 Interest from Government Securities re­

ceived by Corporations 394.0 8 500.89 11 Income from Government Securities

(9 – 10) $ 922.5 $ 937.0 12 Estimated interest received from Gov­

ernment Securities by individuals fil­ ing income tax returns $ 692.0110 $ 700.0110

13 Total income from property exclusive of capital net gain from sale of real estate or securities and exclusive of income from fiduciaries (3, 6 and 12) $6,319.7 $8,643.9

14 Ratio of income from corporate securities to total income from property (3 ÷ 13) 54.2% 62.8%

15 Ratio of income from Real Estate to total income from property (6 13) 34.8% 28.1%

16 Ratio of income from Government Securi­ ties to total income from property (1 2 ÷ 13) 11.0% 8.1%