Marxists everywhere were thrilled to see one democratic administration after another destroyed by their own failures to manage their welfare states and by internal dissention. The true ideologues once again began the drumbeats of exultant prophesies about "the inherent contradictions of late capitalism." The persistent failures of all these different kinds of regimes to effectively manage their massive state apparatuses and thus to satisfy their electorates or subjects was enough to inspire a devoted anarchist with the hope that every form of state power had suddenly become inherendy self-contradictory and was thus doomed. But this hope seems almost as doomed to frustration as the Marxists' hope. The degree of homogeneity, versus heterogeneity, makes a tremendous difference in the trends of different nations. Almost certainly the rulers and bureaucrats had finally planned production, imposed massive regulations, imposed massive taxation, and drowned the economy in flood of papered inflation. And it seemed likely they also fostered an antibusiness, probureaucracy philosophy and snobbery.