Our views about the reforms that are necessary in economics will arise by themselves from the previously stated. They are, as I believe, clear and natural, and can be presented in brief. I furthermore believe that they correspond to a healthy “communis opinio,” which slowly but surely seems to break ground, and differentiates itself from others by its practicability and also due to the fact that it is equidistant from radicalism and from quietism. Through composure and measure, we would like to achieve that they seem just about acceptable to everyone. In turn, we would like to distinguish between the reforms, the one which is to be carried out for the common scheme and that, which is to be done to our system in correct form. The latter will then lead us to the discussion of the further paths of research and several developmental opportunities and perspectives. Both of the different points fall apart on their part into the presentations of our views and a judgment about the other economists.