C. B. Truax has briefly described an investigation in which the subjects studied included fourteen schizophrenic patients who were receiving what seems to have been individual psychotherapy of an unspecified brand. The "treated" groups might, in fact, have been made up of some patients who had been improved by psychotherapy and others who had been made worse by it. The tape itself illustrates in a very concrete manner how clients often explore themselves and their feelings, and thus allows for a vicarious experiencing of group psychotherapy prior to the patient's introduction into group psychotherapy. The model is simply an empirical one that can be used equally well by psychoanalytic, client-centered, behavioristic, or eclectic researchers and practitioners who aim for more effective treatment. The beneficial effect of accurate empathy was confirmed for outpatient counseling cases as well as for hospitalized schizophrenics. The kinds of patient or client improved by them have included hospitalized schizophrenics and out-patient neurotics.