This chapter presents a case study of Mrs. Fernandez who is an elementary school teacher at Hill Elementary School. She teaches with Mr. McLaughlin, who has been at the elementary school and coached at the high school. Sylvia is in 4th grade and has spina bifida. She uses a wheelchair but can walk slowly for short distances with her crutches and her ankle-foot-orthotics. In physical education, Mrs. Fernandez is impressed with Sylvia's improvement in fitness and locomotor skills. She thinks of at least four students in Sylvia's class who could serve as excellent peer tutors, and she creates peer tutor training material from an inclusion textbook. Mrs. Fernandez recruits two more of the peer tutors to come to her class so they can play small-sided games. The evaluation of the students with disabilities is more efficient than ever. The peer tutor program is a success and she is soon asked to help set up one in the neighboring elementary school.