This chapter presents a case study of Ms. Mendoza who is the Honolulu public school district's APE resource teacher at Shaw Elementary School. Teaching preschooler's physical education is very rewarding for Ms. Mendoza. However, she is less confident in her ability to provide them with content that emphasizes and reinforces speech-language usage in physical education. Ms. Mendoza knows that children will mimic each other, particularly in the area of motor performance. All eight preschoolers have developmental delays, with Tory, Chad, and Kami having severe and pronounced speech-language impairments. Tory has a receptive language disorder that makes following multitask directions. Kami was identified as having dysarthria, an articulation disorder caused by a neuromuscular impairment. Classroom teachers and aides are asked to prompt the children on raising their hand. Although time-consuming, physical education lesson goes much smoother with less behavior problems exhibited. Ms. Mendoza decides that all children could benefit from more language development.