Charity is a 13-year-old Native American girl who attends Black Hills Middle School. Charity has Down syndrome concomitant with mild mental retardation. She has been included in GPE since kindergarten and participates in regular physical activities. Some students in this GPE class exhibit positive attitudes and behaviors toward Charity. One Monday, Charity does not participate with her peers in any of the station work outside on the blacktop. Instead, for the entire class, Charity sits singing on some benches adjacent to the playing area. Fortunately, this is not always the case. Volleyball is a favorite of Charity's and she really seems to enjoy playing. Throughout the games, she is verbally interactive with her classmates. At home that evening, Charity tells her mother about the boys in PE. Mrs. Keller, Charity's mother, learns that Charity really enjoys GPE and has developed several friendships in her classes, but feels uncomfortable with some of the boys in the class.